Inter-Excel is the pioneer in providing Cabin Crew Training Courses in Asia.
Our Flight Attendant Preparatory Course (FAPC) has assisted thousands of students to become cabin crew with top international airlines. In recent years, we have broadened our horizon by introducing our European Diploma in International Travel Industry Studies
endorsed by College of Ireland and we have catered our courses for many careers in different areas of the airport including
air cargo, airline catering, airport security and airline ground handling. Currently, our program is endorsed by the local university, UTM Space, School of Professional and Continuing Education, which will be an additional benefit for the candidates.

Therefore, if you are keen on pursuing a career in the aviation industry, check out our courses.

Get the dual awards Diploma Qualification in 1 year now with Inter Excel Tourism Academy!

The benefits of taking our Professional Diploma: 

  1. Dual award by UTMSpace and International Academy of Travel, Ireland.
  2. Our program is designed to bring you to a level of knowledge that will help you excel in any customer oriented careers. 
  3. Participants can now enjoy the benefits of industrial placements and employment opportunities. 


  • Soft Skills
  • Character Building
  • Grooming & Deportment
  • Communication Skills
  • Interview Procedures
  • Airline Terminology
  • In-flight Responsibilities
  • Mock Interview
  • 100% Job Assistance


If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you shortly.


Due to the pandemic, IETA has devised alternative careers for our students.